A Few Examples
A. Lack of any one of thousands of complex chemical pathways would be deadly to life.
Thousands of complex chemical pathways are required to be present and ready to function at a moment’s notice to maintain life, e.g., blood clotting involves 20-30 steps, and is vital to the organism. To explain further, hemophiliacs usually just have one step altered in their clotting pathway, and will die prematurely unless they receive special transfusions. Imagine if an organism with functioning blood has no clotting pathway at all.
B. Lack of acid/base buffers would be deadly to even the simplest lifeforms.
Each living cell contains thousands of different chemicals, some acidic and some basic, and an intricate system of barriers and buffers that would have had to appear simultaneously, and fully formed, to prevent a myriad of harmful and even lethal chemical reactions.
Thousands of complex chemical pathways are required to be present and ready to function at a moment’s notice to maintain life, e.g., blood clotting involves 20-30 steps, and is vital to the organism. To explain further, hemophiliacs usually just have one step altered in their clotting pathway, and will die prematurely unless they receive special transfusions. Imagine if an organism with functioning blood has no clotting pathway at all.
B. Lack of acid/base buffers would be deadly to even the simplest lifeforms.
Each living cell contains thousands of different chemicals, some acidic and some basic, and an intricate system of barriers and buffers that would have had to appear simultaneously, and fully formed, to prevent a myriad of harmful and even lethal chemical reactions.