Important documents for your first visit. In addition, remember to click on the directions to office page as patients often are confused by our office location in a residential area.
Please print, fill out, and bring in this to Dr. Reeves office, as it has office contact information, who can be contacted with what, and a sign off on privacy practices and acceptability of email communication.
Please print, fill out, and bring in this to Dr. Reeves office. Please print, fill out, and bring in this to Dr. Reeves office. He will use it all in your evaluation. We appreciate you taking the time to give us a complete history.
How Prolo/PIT works: A general explanation for those who have not read the web site in detail.
This is particularly important to help you know how to prepare for treatment and what to expect right afterwards. This will be useful to print and review.
Click to open this file, but you don't need to print it. This is a customary privacy practice form, so print if you like, but please skim it enough to confirm it is like other standard privacy practices. No need to sign it, but on the new patient intake form you will need to sign that you are aware of our privacy practices.