Evolution predicts the opposite of what we find in the natural world: The evolution model predicts mutations would be helpful, and even crucial to bring about beneficial change. Instead, mutations are harmful, and often deadly.
1. Mutations caused by outside forces: Years ago, various laboratories all expected to be the first to cause a useful mutation by "natural methods". Ex: Irradiation effects. However, natural methods of causing genetic material to change lead to overwhelmingly negative results. If one looks at the pitiful fruit flies that were exposed to radiation, we see how, almost without exception, the mutated fruit flies were not "fit". If one considers the effects of irradiation on citizens of Hiroshima, via the resultant mutations, it is easy to see that induced genetic mutations are not beneficial in humans either.
2. Mutations that occur during duplication: These only occur an estimated 1 out of 10 million times a cell duplicates. Even if we assume that these are useful, and that they all relate to each other (ridiculous assumptions), the probabilities are impossible to account for. Ex: The chance of 2 related mutations occurring at one time would be 1/10 million X 1/10 million = 1/ 100 quadrillion. To make a change species-to-species would take far more mutations than that.